List of common insecticides and pesticides
List of common insecticides and pesticides

list of common insecticides and pesticides

Traditionally used for insect and mite control, but many are no longer used due to their ability to remain in the environment for a long time.Generally persistent in soil, food, and in human and animal bodies (does not breakdown quickly).Controls pests by disrupting nerve-impulse transmission (disrupts ion flow at the axon/synapse level).Organochlorines (Chlorinated Hydrocarbons) However many are being phased-out or used only in critical applications. Organophosphates are used because they are less persistent (breakdown faster) in soil, food or feed for animals than other families, such as organochlorine pesticides.With a few exceptions, most are highly toxic.They control pests by acting on the nervous system (for example, the pesticide interferes with nerve-impulse transmissions by disrupting the enzyme (cholinesterase) that regulates acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter)). Most organophosphates are insecticides.

list of common insecticides and pesticides

There are several types of pesticides in this family, depending on the exact chemicals used. Some common families include: Organophosphates A pesticide product may have active ingredients from more than one chemical family. Pesticides are often grouped into "families" because they share similar chemical properties, or they act on the pest in the same way. There are many, many more types of pesticides than what is listed here. The table below lists some common categories, their purpose, and what products they are normally found in. Pesticides include a wide range of products - many of which you may use every day.

List of common insecticides and pesticides